samedi 11 août 2018

Splash Screen with animation using android studio - Welcome Screen android studio -

Splash Screen

Learn how to create Splash Screen page with animation using android studio

In this Video Im going to show you how to create a splash screen with transition (fadeOut) animation using android studio. So we're going to use the CountDownTimer and the AlphaAnimation.

Enjoy the video and dont forget to  follow me on youtube.thank you all for watching

  1. set colors

  2. Edit App 

  3. Create New Activity SplashscreenActivity

  4. Open the activity_splashscreen.xml

  5. Now Edit the

  6. To remove the navbar edit the style.xml  like this:


android studio , Welcome Screen android studio , Welcome Screen android studio , Splash Screen android studio , android studio splash screen , android studio design ui , transition ( fadeOut ) animation android studio,

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